Friday 26 September 2008

Where we are living

A view of our front gate.

Brian is feeling heaps better - thank god. It wasn't nice seeing him feeling so disgusting. I was needing me ole mate to be buzzing not groaning. We got dropped off at the apartment - whcih has all the basic food items to make a cuppa, toast, jam white butter?, juice, eggs etc and heaps of bottles of water - we can't dring the tap water. I'm very happy we bought over a couple of jars of vegemite. We have not been to the supermarket - no one came to pick us up yesterday to take us there - probably because they knew Brian was unwell. We have no local currency so can't really venture out too far yet. That should all get sorted to day - I am being picked up soon - will be wearing my orange skirt!!, to be shown the ropes. Brain will be entertaining himself here until I get back hopefully with some money.

We went out last night for a stroll down to the closest roundabout! to try and get our bearings. It was very warm even at 7.00 at night. It felt very exciting to be here I must say - so different. They drive like maniacs - I am expected to be driving myself within the month!! - there is a lot to get used to - the streets are wide and they all just drive fast and don'yt indicate - AND on the other side of the road. The place looks like a construction site - new buildings being built everywhere. They are all sandstone colour - so unlike NZ. Great big stone places with fancy bits on them. Our apartment has a very high stud. I'll take a photo today and send it.
It gets dark here around 6.00pm but sun is up now at 5.00 in the morning. I went to bed last night at 8.00 bloody exhausted hoping to sleep through to the morning - I woke at 11.00, then 1.00, then 3.30 at whcih point I decided to get up and have a cup of green tea and check out the computer for emails etc.
Must go and cook myself an egg for breakfast - I can't eat in public today as it is the month of Ranadan - no one eats between dawn - dusk not even water!! Brain can't smoke in public. I am going to be starving by the afternoon.


Fiona Grant said...

Hi Lynne, So good to hear from you and that you made it safely. We have been at Team Days over the last 2 days and have all been wondering how you have been getting on. Will add your blog to my aggregator.
Malo e lelei from Lorraine and Siliva preparing for our Pasifika session at Team Day.

Stay well

Unknown said...

Hi Lynne

So exciting to hear from you. I love the top you are wearing in your photo. You look great. What"s everyone wearing there.

Sounds like you are already enjoying yourself and are in for a busy time with all the exploring you have to do.

We have been missing you.
