Saturday 27 September 2008

My new outfit!

That's me on the right - what do you think? ( just kidding)

Thought I would send you a photo of the local dress - we've just come back from shopping at the mall. A lot of the woman walk around in this dress called an abayah. I had to take this pic surreptitiously as you aren't supposed to snap the locals. Unfortunately I didn't get one of the men in the long flowing white gowns and head dress - they look pretty cool.

The mall is very big - about 4 floors with an ice skating rink in the middle that you can look down from the top and watch. There were a lot of local type shops but also many western shops, like the body shop, Hush puppie shoes, Footloose etc. I saw a pair of Ecco shoes that seemed very reasonable. Some very expensive things being sold there - rolex watches, amazing jewellery shops, expensive clothes of the bling bling style.
We actually didn't find much we wanted to buy at this point. There were no coffee machines!
The supermarket on the ground floor is where we bought Brians mobile phone - he's happy as he now has a new gadget to learn.

It's a nuisance not having our own transport - we have to take taxis which aren't all that cheap - or maybe we should have done a bit og haggling - we're still a bit green about all those things.


Geoffrey said...

Is that really you?

Lynne Thomas and Brian Thomas said...

Not really Geoffrey - just said it for a laugh and to confuse people!!